Other Services

The facilities and expertise of ORLAB can be put to assisting industry in other ways.


Standards Development

ORLAB staff currently sit on the following Standards Australia committees and assist in the preparation of standards.  These include:

Committee SF-006 Eye and face protection AS/NZS 1336, AS/NZS 1337.0, .1, .2, .4, .5 & .6, AS/NZS 1338.1, .2 & .3 and AS/NZS 3857.  Currently working on children’s eye protection. Committee CS-53 Sunglasses and fashion spectacles AS/NZS 1067.  Currently working on creating AS/NZS 1067.1 & .2 being an adoption and an adaptation, respectively, of ISO 12312-1 & ISO 12311. Committee MS-049 Retroreflective devices AS/NZS 1906.1, .2, .3 and .4 and working on AS/NZS EN 13356 Committee TX-008  Weed blocking fabric AS 4174 (being revised) Committee TX-021  Sun protective clothing AS/NZS 4399 (being revised) Committee SF-021 Human factors Drafting AS1071 LG-006-02 Photometric requirements for traffic signals AS 2144 In addition, ORLAB staff represent Australia at ISO Committee TC94 Personal protective equipmentSC6 Eye and face protection and sit on the following working groups: WG1  Teminology; WG2  Test methods; WG3  Sunglasses; WG4  Occupational eye and face protection; WG5  Sports eye protection; WG6  Guidance; 

Education and Training

ORLAB provides customised education and training in the area of eye and face protection, which includes sunglasses and fashion spectacles.When new or revised standards are published, ORLAB is often involved in familiarisation seminars to introduce the new provisions, highlight changes and review the consequential issues in compliance.ORLAB can provide small group or one-on-one training and practical experience for companies and their staff to understand the testing process and the issues in compliance. To discuss your education and training needs, please contact our staff.

Product Development

ORLAB can assist with the development of product including input to the design and construction as well as the testing to relevant standards. Previous examples include the Railways LED Lantern Test (RLLT).  Traffic signals complying with AS/NZS 2144, surgical luminaires complying with IEC 60601-2-41 and light sources complying with the Cyanosis Observation Index (COI) of AS/NZS 1680.2.5.